SaMD can have an MDR or IVDR specific electronic label.
API exceptions have uniform JSON response structure.
Updated the user interface for the model index page.
Variables can no longer be sorted on published models.
Fixed a few translations.
Result variables initialize with their default set.
Variable sections no longer load variables with their value when hidden.
Handeling the sorting order of variables within sections has been fixed.
Page scrolls to the top of the input when pressing 'Clear input'.
The arguments of the main function in a python model updates when deleting a variable.
Allow unit conversions of any range.
The option to switch the Display type (Default/Compact/Custom) is now optional.
New lines in comments are no longer converted to <br />.
Codeblocks can handle characters outside the Latin alphabet in titles.
Python code is now visible on edit page of private/public algorithms.
Details of algorithm bundle can be displayed properly in the market place.
Made the SI/Imperial switch optional for unit conversions
Default is no longer required to add unit conversions
Improved error messages returned over the API
The 'Value if unknown' option is now available for Pro users
Added an 'Clear input' button
Added steps navigation for sequential models
Created a compact display of the user interface
Fixed the display of the Intended Purpose and Disclaimer explainers.
Added capitalization SI / Imperial.
Ending an RScript with a comment no longer causes an error.
Sharing models from the model index updates the share list properly.
Adding a profile avatar/photo accepts more image types.
Empty bootstrap data no longer causes a calculation error.
Added a brief description to models to show on the index pages.
Conditional formulas are now sortable.
Conditional result texts now support multiple conditions per text.
The API now supports the default unit as an input option for continuous variables.
For models with a "calculate button", errors are cleared when one of the input variables is changed.
Closing the variable edit modal now asks confirmation when unsaved data might be lost.
User manual page now displays UDIs and has search functionality.
Composite and Sequential models now support open variables mapped to underlying models.
Search results form model searches in composite edit page can be cleared.
Mail button has been fixed on the connections page.
Euro sign of the enterprise subscription is displayed properly.
Comments no longer show <br> for new lines.
The API now returns the UDI with the proper label.
Links to website or Linkedin page on profile can be saved without http(s).
'Navigate to Model' links now link to the correct version.
Composite models now can recopy a removed variable.
Models list no longer break on the mobile app when too much data is loaded.
Updated the ISO13485 certificate.
Removed the "Add note" option at the bottom of individual, sequential steps.
Added Chinese languages to models.
Added warnings for improper variable matchings.
Allow users to add parameter details after the signature of a signed url.
Manuals no longer have double extensions on the filename when downloaded.
Marketplace model details now display the correct ID.
A custom styling button is now available for sequential models.
Sequential steps have the option to always follow the recommended step.
Enabled the Copy button in the embedded environment.
Expanded the CE-marking options to sequential models.
Deprecated old mobile API endpoint.
Figure descriptions are now translatable.
Copy button shows correct model link.
Downloading a user manual is fixed on mobile browsers.
Formula segments no longer break calculations in Sequentials.
Setting data on continuous variables no longer breaks when the slider is disabled.
Composite models properly map input when creating variables manually instead of using the copy button.
Sorting sequential decisions has been fixed.
Updating underlying model no longer breaks the variable mappings.
Resetting password within the mobile app has been fixed.
Added the dropdown selection type for categorical variables.
Added version names for models.
Added sections to group variable inputs in the interface.
Version sorting always return the proper version.
Fixed session cookies being blocked on embedded pages.
Users buying a Pro subscription via the marketplace will receive an email about their upgrade.
Sequentials can no longer break cases when underlying models have been updated.
Selecting a new default model version has been fixed.
Fixed editor link, image and special character modals not displaying.
Open text variables are usable in Python models.
Embedded pages hide version dropdown.
Sliders can be hidden for continuous variables.
Models get unlocked when a user removes their profile.
Algorithms can be placed on the marketplace without a specific price
Improved options for text styling in the results section
Added Unit conversions over the API
For models with a "calculate button", results are always emptied when one of the input variables is changed.
Updated our contributors page
Updated Intended use to Intended purpose and added it to the marketplace
Improved the workflow for CE marked model access
Ending a search query with a \ no longer breaks the search.
Deleting a step no longer causes errors.
Deleting a variable no longer breaks the sequential step modal.
Updated our KIWA certificates.
Added an "unmatched" option for sequential models.
Added RScript table styling for underlying model results
User model list shows all accessible models for that user.
Added rounding to the nearest step for continuous variable inputs via the API.
Adding an underlying model of a newer version to a sequential or composite model no longer breaks the variable mapping.
Sequential models now contain open text variables.
The scrollbar for modals is now click- and draggable.
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