Join Evidencio

Become an Evidencio member. You can start creating and validating prediction models right away. For professional use, we offer our Pro subscription
For a complete list of all the benefits, see Use & Licensing
  • Personal & Academic use licence
  • Non-commercial use
  • Create and publish your own prediction models
  • Validate models with your own patient cohort
  • Create patient specific reports
  • Use patient specifc protocols and guidelines

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{{ showPassword ? $t('hide') : $t('show') }}

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A password has to be at least 8 characters.

A password cannot be longer then 64 characters.

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Choose a password with at least one special character (@$!%*#?&)

At least 8 characters long
Contains at least 1 capital letter
Contains at least 1 special character

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Evidencio Pro Recommended
€9,99 / Month
  • Clinical & Commercial use licence
  • Unlimited Patient specific reports
  • Use licensed models
  • Create licenced models
  • Integrate our API into your healthcare apps
  • Cancel at any time
Evidencio Enterprise
Ask for a quotation
  • Manage Teams
  • Integrate Evidencio into your EHR
  • Model development
  • Machine learning
  • Data analysis
  • Validation and model update

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