Multiple ideal body weight formulas have been developed to assist physicians with dosing weight-based medications. Please confirm with your local pharmacy whether ideal or actual body weight should be used for medication dosing.
Definition of ideal body weight:
The term ideal body weight (IBW) was coined based on historical data of weights for adult men and women that compared the relative mortality of persons of different height–weight combinations (Knapp, 1983).
Model performance:
Pai & Paloucek (2000) reported that alternative IBW equations by Miller et al (1983) and Robinson et al (1983) both resulted in similar results when compared with the Devine formula (Devine, 1974). Therefore, any one of these equations may be used to estimate IBW.
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{{ (typeof row === 'object') ? row.label : row }} |
{{ column }} | |
{{ row.label }} | {{ value }} |
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