How this model should be used:
Recent evidence suggests that one in three up to one in two Alzheimer’s disease cases are potentially attributable to modifiable risk factors. The LIBRA score was developed as a useful tool to identify individuals for primary prevention interventions of dementia and monitor individuals risk-change over time.
Context information:
The LIBRA index is unique in that it reflects an individual’s prevention potential for dementia. The predictive accuracy of the LIBRA index for dementia is somewhat lower compared to that of other prediction indices.1 This is not unexpected, given that previous indices were maximized for risk prediction by including major predictors for dementia such as age, gender, education, and APOE genotype that are not amenable to change.
Important note:
Notably, the current model lacks three of the original LIBRA factors (i.e., cognitive activity, renal dysfunction, and adherence to a Mediterranean diet), because these factors were not available upon external validation. This might have influenced the predictive validity of the LIBRA index.
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